Become a Private Journey Member and have Clare personally guide you, advise you and support you as you go from Cluttered to Completely Clutter Free

As you may already be aware, as a former clutterholic and hoarder who has worked with clutterholics and hoarders around the world for more than 20 years, Clare knows that the type of help you see on the TV programmes - someone coming to your home to help you have a blitz - doesn't work and doesn't last for the following reasons:
- If you've had your clutter for more than 5 years and you have it in more than 3 rooms of your home, you know it's going to take more than a few days or weeks to clear. Having someone come to your home to 'Help' you clear it, at an average of £300 / $350 a day plus travel expenses is far too expensive for most people. Clare can help you for less for a whole month without having to step a foot inside your home.
- Even if you could afford for someone to come to your home for as long as it took to clear all your clutter, clearing it won't enable you to STAY clear forever. It will just grow back in the future. When you get Clare's help she'll help you clear your backlog of clutter and break the habits that caused the clutter and create the habits so you can stay clutter free forever, just like her.
- Having a stranger in your home, seeing your clutter and 'helping' you make decisions when you probably haven't had many - if any - people in your home just increases your stress and anxiety levels.
- Most decluttering 'experts' have never struggled with clutter themselves so don't understand that it's not as simple as deciding what to keep and what to 'get rid of'. As a former clutterholic and hoarder, Clare DOES understand and has over 20 years experience of helping other clutterholics and hoarders do what she did - clear their clutter forever.
- Clare knows that your brain is not designed to make decisions for hours and hours on end. Clare knows your brain gets overwhelmed and literally shuts down and refuses to try to make any more decisions after a maximum 30 minutes, and it can only do that a couple of times a day. That means that realistically you can only expect to work on your clutter for a MAXIMUM of 2 hours a day. This explains why you've struggled to get started and keep going when you've tried to declutter on your own. When you work Privately with Clare you do 2 hours of Clutter Clearing - with her help via zoom - each time to ensure you make progress with your Clutter Clearing rather than give up like you have in the past.
It's for these - and many more - reasons why the type of help you get Privately from Clare is different.
How to Apply
To apply to get Clare's help to deal with your clutter, there are 5 simple steps:
Step 1
Complete the form below which Clare will review and respond to you within 48 hours.
Step 2
If appropriate, Clare will invite you to book a private 1-2-1 zoom call with her so she can meet you, you can ask her any questions you have, and you can give her a 'virtual tour' of your home and your clutter. Don't worry - Clare's seen it all before!
Step 3
Clare will let you know at the end of your zoom call whether she feels that she can help you and that the Clutter Clearing Journey is appropriate for you.
Clare will also let you know what availability she has for your weekly 1-2-1 Private Clutter Clearing Session with her. You'll need to commit to the same day and time each week for the whole of a Clutter Clearing term which is made up of 5 consecutive weeks. Depending on when you are accepted as a Private Journey Member, you'll need to commit to the same day and time each week for the rest of the current term.
Why do you have to have the same day and time each week throughout each Clutter Clearing Term?
One of the important elements of successful Clutter Clearing is routine and breaking our habit of procrastinating, avoiding and 'flitting' rather than focusing. 99% of Clutterholics and Hoarders struggle to focus and finish things because we get easily distracted or struggle to protect our boundaries, so your Private Journey is structured in a way to help you break those habits.
If you want to change your weekly slot, Clare will let you know what slots are available at the end of each term for the following term and you'll be able to change your slot for the following term.
Step 4
You'll choose which day and time slot you'd like to have and Clare will send you the appropriate link to confirm your Private Journey.
Step 5
Clare will send you your booking confirmations for the rest of term, and all you need to do is click on the zoom link in the booking confirmation at the right time on the right day so you can get started!
Step 1
Complete the form below which Clare will review and respond within 48 hours.